Some People Just Don't Get It
(?) April 4th, 2001
I don't watch many sitcoms.  I don't watch a lot of TV at all, actually.  But by chance, I did see a certain episode of Fraser that I found extremely amusing.  Stay with me here, this actually does have something to do with UFOS:

In this episode, Fraser's producer, Roz, directs her own radio special on the history of space exploration.  Fraser begins the episode as just the voice talent, responsible only for narration.  In his ever-loving arrogance, Fraser takes control of the production, prompting a betrayed Roz (who knew he would do it) to fire him and hire someone else.  The show revolves around this difficulty that Fraser has, always feeling the need for control over situations like that one, and Roz's attempts to strike out on her own without Fraser lording over her.  The eventually reconcile, obviously, in a very humorous scene. 

Those two characters, Frasier and Roz, argue in Roz' sound booth while John Glenn recounts his experiences in the space program.  The joke is that a) he reveals all of these weird, frightening things about aliens, not realizing that Frasier and Roz are not even listening to him and b) that he doesn't notice that she's recording everything he says. 

You can see the scene for yourself through this link

I should have seen this coming, but I didn't. is running a story about this episode.  It would be funny if it wasn't also so very sad.  Here is an excerpt from David Wilcock's analysis (the bold type is added by me):

The entire plot of the show was designed to support John Glenn's appearance. Fraser was jealous of John Glenn and felt competitive about sharing airtime on the radio. In the pivotal scene, Fraser and a female character were arguing with each other inside of an isolated sound room while Glenn faced the camera directly and delivered the above soliloquy. The entire scene had a very strange, non-comedic feeling and seemed to have nothing to do with what the rest of the show was about.
I don't know what show Mr. Wilcock was watching, but that scene was exceedingly funny.  This scene got one of the biggest laughs of the entire episode.  It is true that it seemed to have nothing to do with the rest of the show, and that was the point.  In a sense, that scene was making fun of the attitude that many UFOnuts have; that even the astronauts know things that the government isn't letting them tell.  That's also, I believe, why John Glenn did this scene; he thinks it's pretty funny, too. 
After Glenn finished delivering the speech, he returned to the control room where Fraser and the woman were arguing. At this point he realizes that he was being taped and says that he needs to take the tape; he was unaware that he was being recorded and this information "can't get out to the public."
Thus, it appears that public comedy -- things the common people are relating to -- is one of the main vehicles through which the disclosure is finally being realized.
Public comedy, as opposed to what, private comedy?
Also, I think his reference to the "common people" is particularly elitist.
I sent an email to Mr. Wilcock, just to make sure he wasn't joking. 
I sincerely hope he was.  It takes a distinctly nonsensical leap of UFO faith to connect Senator Glenn's cameo on a sitcom to a far-reaching government cover-up. 
It's actually pretty funny, however, that as long as John Glenn (and other astronauts) deny any such knowledge of alien visitors, the UFOnuts don't believe him.  But as soon as he makes a handful of jokes on prime-time television that lampoons the idea that he does know something about aliens, then a good chunk of the Internet UFO community gets excited about disclosure.
If someone can make any sense out of this, please tell me.



June 11th, 2001

A Million Damn Dollars
May 31st, 2001

Government Stooges
May 13th, 2001